Develop your game alongside the greatest athletes in the world.

Nike First Team

Design strategy
Design systems
Concept development
Motion design
Interactive design
Experience design
The brief
There are no shortcuts to making it pro, but all professionals have one thing in common — a fierce determination to find perfection in even the smallest of things. Nike First Team is a concept that builds off of the success of Nike Training Center, expanding the offering beyond physical fitness and into the classroom. We created an expansive campaign across digital content, web, & sponsored events, that connects aspiring athletes with the pros, through digital courses, real stories, and nation-wide events. Nike First Team gives you the edge become a First Team Player.
The solution
To build hype for the 2019 inaugural season, we delivered content-rich welcome packs to committed students and attendees. Included in the welcome pack— the first issue of our Quarterly NFT magazine, digital content from our participating athletes, and an RFID band to track activity and update student progress through the NFT digital ecosystem.